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  • Fill up the payment form. The password required is for your access to membership site, not your email password. Once again, I am not asking for your email password. All products are inside our membership sites, including unannounced bonuses

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  • Social Media Toolkit Insurance & Finance P397

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    What You're Gonna Get:

    YES - I Want All Of This Right Now!

  • Social Media Calendar

  • Value: P2,997

    Daily post ideas for 365 days so you don't have to think about what to post everyday. Consistent posts drive engagement from your ideal customers. These are designed to give value to your audience so that you don't have to be selling with every post. After all, people are on social media to build relationships.

  • 200 Editable Canva Graphic Templates

  • Value:  P15,000

    Elegant designs optimized for Real Estate. They can be easily edited so you can add your branding, from colors to fonts and images. All you need is a free Canva account. You will save a lot if money because you no longer have to pay graphic artists and freelancers for your needs. This will make you earn more and spend less!

  • 2000 Quote Images

  • Value: P20,000

    These quote images make you share motivational and inspirational materials to keep your page engaging and full of value. People don't like it when all you do on your page or profile is sell, sell and sell. They're on social media to build relationships. This pack gives ready-made creatives to keep your followers engaged

  • 16 Fill-In-The-Blanks Email Sequences

  • Value: P8,000

    Email is still the most profitable form of marketing. In several studies, it says you get a 42x ROI for every amount you spend. But the problem is, a lot of people have a hard time writing email sequences. This pack makes your email campaign ready in a few minutes. Just replace the details to yours

  • 1000 Ebooks with Resell and Giveaway Rights

  • Value: P100,000

    To support your email marketing campaigns, you need great lead magnets. These ebooks give you a lot of choices. They are from different niches because you can also give them away as gifts to leads and clients and they all have different interests. This package can be used both for lead generation as well as to continuously build a relationship with your prospects. You can gift them an ebook every month or even every week to make them feel special because if you just email them when you are selling something, they will eventually unsubscribe from your list. By making them feel special with your gifts, they will even be happy to recommend you to their friends and family.

  • 5 Blog Posts

  • Value: P2,500

    Blogs build authority, We have prepared 5 ready-made blog posts so you can start immediately. You can change the tone and some information to fit your brand. Blogs make prospects think that you are someone who is knowledgeable about your field, and will make them feel more comfortable buying from you.

  • 10 Blog Outlines

  • Value:  P2,000

    These are simple outlines to guide you in writing blogs on your own, so you have something to tease your brain and make it produce amazing ideas. This will also help you neatly organize the thoughts.

  • Awesome Bonuses

  • Priceless

    To really help you in oyur real estate career, we have included video tutorials to help you in selling and lead generation. The Facebook Ads Setup tutorial helps you set up your Business Manager accounts and Ad Accounts so you don't waste your money on boosting posts.

  • Total Value

  • P150,497

  • Today Pay Only:

  • P397

    YES - I Want All Of This Right Now!

    Today Only P397